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ABOUT THESE NOTES OF THANKS: The work done by the Gouverneur Breast and Ovarian Cancer Fund is greatly appreciated by those who are helped. The feedback, below, means so much to those volunteers who work so hard to raise money. This is a sample of some of the Thank You Notes the committee has received.


My husband and I are a Christian couple who pretty much stay to ourselves with a very small circle of friends and family, so this kind of gesture not only really surprised us but is also very new to us. I will continue my journey with faith that God is my rock at Rochester Breast Cancer Center and Walker Cancer Center in Watertown. Both my husband and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and thank God that there are people and funding out there like yourselves to help anyone going through cancer. God Bless you all.

Sending you all Love and Appreciation

Susan H.


Thank you so much for ALL you’ve done for me. I wouldn’t have been able to keep up with all my bills and going through treatment. I’m blessed to have your help. If there’s anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

I want to say a big thank you for the wonderful care bag, the knowledgeable book and the bunch of goodies inside the bag.  Personally I thank you to Terry Pistolesi for much advise and everyone’s care. Thank you so much for the gift of $500 that will come in handy for my treatment to Ogdensburg for my radiation.  I hope to give back when I am able to.

Thank you so much for your help and support while going through this difficult obstacle. You have helped greatly for all the expenses that are accrued for the numerous Burlington trips we have made.  Your help is greatly appreciated and I am truly grateful.

I cannot thank you enough for your support! Because of your organization I am able to get the health care I felt I deserve at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. It also allows me to be part of a very important study that hopefully will help women with breast cancer in the future. This is my third bout with cancer and my 2nd with breast cancer.  Having Stage 4 is scary and stressful, but the help I have received has taken a lot of stress off me and allowed me, as a single woman, to remain afloat. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!

Mrs. Peck & Gouverneur Breast Group,
I want to thank you once again for all your group did for me this past summer.  Eight weeks of radiation and I hit a couple of health bumps and finished up the first of September.  The bag of goodies has been a God-send, as I have used about everything and read all the information.  Am still healing from some bumps and of all things emergency surgery!  You are a very special group and I sincerely want to help you out in the future.

My mom passed in Sept. 2017.  You sent us a check the week before and it was greatly needed and appreciated.  Your group truly helps.  There were no strings attached and no hoops to jump through just compassion and support in my families time of need and this is rare in today’s world.  Keep up the good work and thank you again.

Dear Ladies, In January I had a bilateral mastectomy and have done very well. In February I met my oncologist Dr. Lucille Alston and my surgeon, Dr. Kiri Brandy. When I went to the Breast Health Center the day of our meeting I was very nervous. Low and behold I receive your lovely bag of goodies, which mad me feel much more relaxed. Made me again realize that I am not alone in this. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and for making my day!

It's hard to express in words the deep gratitude I feel for the financial help you've given me for my breast cancer treatment.  I truly appreciate our organization for the help you've given to so many women. ~ June, 2016

I can't thank you enough.  What an enormous help this is to me.  Your organization is wonderful. ~ June, 2016

Last August I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I met with Bonnie Trudeau who gave me the Gouverneur Breast Cancer Fund tote bag filled with many thoughtful items. Especially helpful was the Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook!  Thank you so much! I had the pleasure last week of participating in the breast cancer walk for the first time. I saw first hand all the wonderful things you do for so many people. All that you do is very much appreciated. ~ May 25, 2015

I was told my breast cancer had returned after seventeen years. On May 9th I had a mastectomy on my right breast.  When I went to Dr. Kimball's office the nurse gave me one of your gift bags. It had such nice items in it and made me feel so good that you cared. I didn't need financial help, but it sure helped my spirit at a difficult time. I want to help someone else you help with this donation. ~ May 14, 2015

I received one of your Breast Cancer bags from Mane Street Salon in Watertown.  I wanted to thank you.  The bag was full of much needed information.  It is hard when first diagnosed to obtain all that they throw at you.  To be in comfort of your own home and have the contents of the bag to go to is comforting.  It is people like you that give people like me Hope! ~September 2014

Thank you for your $500.00 transportation check.  My friends will be driving me to chemo and I will be paying them gas money.  Your gift means MORE than you will ever know.  Thank you again. ~August 2014

Just a note to express my gratitude for your generosity to me.  It meant so much to me.  Thank you to your organization from the bottom of my heart. ~ 2014

I would like to thank you for the financial assistance you provided me as I was dealing with my breast cancer treatment.  The check you sent made traveling to radiation treatments less worrisome.  I am doing well and am very glad to have that aspect of treatment behind me.  Thank you again & may God bless your work. ~2014

Thank you so much for the generous, thoughtful post-op care package!  What a wonderful way to brighten some one's day during a very challenging time!  Everything you included was wonderful.  I especially enjoyed the book and Readers Digest, it reminded me of my grandmother.  I'm doing well and getting stronger everyday.  I'm about 4 to 5 weeks post surgery and going to Boston for weekly appointments.  Thank you again for putting a smile on my face and for all the helpful, thoughtful goodies.  It was truly appreciated. ~December 2013

I received the check today and am feeling incredibly blessed.!  the generosity and real support the check represents means more than words can truly express.  With the daily trips to Watertown continuing until the end of August and the special cream I need not being covered by my health insurance, this generous check will help me immensely.  The diagnosis of breast cancer sends a woman on a journey she never wanted to be on, but the support, both emotional and financial that small communities provide in doing such acts of kindness help us realize that God provides what we need and one never has to face such challenges alone.  Thanks again and God bless. ~July 2014

Thank you so much for all that you do!  This helps so much!  Thank you. ~2014

A new diagnosis of breast cancer is overwhelming for an individual, both physically and emotionally. For many, the financial struggle that their diagnosis creates for them is an additional stressor during an already very difficult time. Gouverneur Breast Cancer Fund has lifted the burden in many instances by paying for medical co-pays or basic necessities including living and travel expenses. GBCF help made it possible for so many of my patients to focus on their cancer diagnosis instead of on how to pay their bills during treatment. I am immensely grateful for all that they do and my role of navigating my patients through the breast cancer journey would be much more difficult without them.
- Kay Zimmer, LMSW
Richard E Winter Cancer Center 

Thank you so much for your help. I feel truly blessed that there are organizations out there that understand the financial burdens we have as a result of illness. I am so grateful. God bless you all.

Thank you so very much.  I was getting low on gas money when this assistance came. I would have had to borrow money soon.  As soon as I can get back on my feet I will try to repay you.  Thank you again.

This note is long overdue and I apologize.  I can't thank you enough for the gas money for my cancer treatment.  I am now at stage 0.  Cured.  Have had a couple of issues since July not cancer related.  Your group is wonderful and I have mentioned it to everyone.  I hope to send a donation to you.  Again, thank you.

Once again, I want to thank you for your help - you were truly a beacon in my storm!! I did come to the Walk in May -- I was not sure if I could make it as I had just finished chemo and was just starting radiation. However, I did make it!! My daughter walked with me and we shared a few tears at the onset. I had my follow-up appointment with my oncologist on 10/11 - I was terrified. It turned out to be a wonderful day -- she pronounced me "cancer free"! Now, if I can just stay that way. I want to be on guard but not paranoid so that I can enjoy a good quality of life. And the perfect ending to my wonderful day was the Breast Cancer Awareness Event at the Fort Drum Commons. It was so nice to see you there. You have touched so many lives at their darkest moments and I personally thank you for being there for me!!! When they asked the survivors to stand to be acknowledged, I stood tall and proud because I am winning my battle. -October, 2012

I was diagnosed 1 year ago with stage 2 breast cancer and presented with the "pink bag" full of wonderful things at my visit to my surgeon's office before surgery. I tossed it into the spare bedroom in anger.  Following my surgery I was never so grateful for this gift.  A favorite item was the pillow, used to support the painful arm during the night and the fleece blanket which I use to this day as my 'security blanket'.  This thank you is long overdue, but I am so grateful to your organization I am seeking a way to give back. Our local Amvets auxiliary is doing an October fund raiser (quite small) but looking for a local breast cancer organization for which we can donate our funds.  I will suggest this great organization. Thank you all once again from the bottom of my heart. - October, 2012

To Our GBW Friends, Thank you for all your help and support of our recent Pink Ribbon challenge. You ladies are a pleasure to work with and we are proud to be able to provide events that help your organization help our patients. together, we do make a difference! -The Pink Ribbon Committee

Dear Judy, We at Pla More Lanes, along with the participation from the "Pine Plains Ladies League" from Fort Drum, held our 2nd bowling fund raiser and are pleased to send you a check for 400.00. I passed along your information to one of our bowlers mothers who needed some assistance. She share with me what you were able to help her with and it is nice to know that you live up to  your word. Thank you for assisting those in need, especially during these hard economic times. Sincerely, Christine R. Leween, Vice President, Pla More Lanes - October 31, 2011

Thank you! Thank you! I am so grateful for what you have done to help me with my financial burden. It is wonderful to have a group that helps the local people in St. Lawrence County. It was such a good feeling to pay off most of y hospital bills and to think the rest are manageable. I have enclosed some stamps to help donate a little. God Bless you. Take care. - October 3, 2011

Recently I was diagnosed with breast cancer and Dr. Turcotte gave me a lovely pink bag from your organization with information and useful things. I do appreciate this so much and wanted to thank your organization. It is nice not to have to hunt for answers. The Girl Scout pillow was so nice. My girls and granddaughters were and are Girl Scouts. Wanted you to know this is a nice thing to do for people. - October 25, 2011

In 2009, I was the "1 in 8" with breast cancer. I had surgery, chemo, and radiation. It was a long, long road, but your group found me. And on one of my lowest days, I found a pink bag vull of love on my door. I can't begin to tell you how that brightened my journey. I shared the book and other items with other ladies at radiation. Your love went a long way from Gouverneur. I am happy to say I am still cancer free. I wish I could  be with you on the 14th, but I have a commitment I cannot miss. My heart will be with you all! - May 2011

Thank you so much for your gift of $250.00 towards my transportation costs. This was one of the few nice surprises since my cancer diagnosis! It means alot to me that you are there to help women thru this difficult time. Thanks again. - September 2010

Thank you so much for being so generous. If it wasn't for thoughtful organizations like yours, people like me would continue to be lost during this difficult time. Thanks for caring. God's blessings to your group. - September 2010

I wish to thank the Gouverneur Business Women Breast Cancer Walk Fund for the lovely basket. I am a second time around with cancer. I had a mastectomy 17 years ago, and thank God everyday for being cancer free. Now I'm up for another mastectomy and pray for another seventeen years. I am almost 81 and have a very good feeling about this. I am very thankful I have insurance. Bonnie Trudeau (Samaritan Hospital representative) is a very special lady and will be with me. Enclosed is a small check to help in some way with your work. - May 2010

Please accept this donation towards helping women in need. The GBW Breast Cancer Fund is close to all of our hearts. Instead of purchasing Mother's Day gifts this year, we would like to donate in honor of our mother and grandmother. We would also like to donate in memory of my husbands mother. You should all be very proud of the work you do. God Bless you and keep you safe.
Letter to the editor of the Ogdensburg Journal - June 2009

After reading about the $151,000.00 the Ogdensburg Relay for Life raised this past Friday, I found myself compelled to write this letter. Raising $151,000.00 is a great accomplishment for a small community the size of Ogdensburg. I would however, like the public to know that there is another great organization right here in St. Lawrence County. I am a two-time cancer survivor, colon and then breast. When I was diagnosed with my breast cancer five years ago, the social worker at the Richard E. Winter Cancer Treatment Center steered me towards a wonderful, local organization. The GBW Breast Cancer Fund, which was started by the Gouverneur Business Women's Group, raises money to help women in St. Lawrence County who are battling breast cancer. Once a woman is signed on with this group, they help us for life with any expenses that have been incurred from our breast cancer diagnosis.


From helping to pay for groceries, utility bills, living expenses, to the enormous medical expenses incurred, medications, tests, etc., this organization has been there for me every step of the way. This past year, at their 8th annual walk, which is always the Saturday after Mother's Day Weekend, in Gouverneur, they raised over $28,000. and are currently helping over 186 women battling breast cancer in St. Lawrence, Jefferson & Lewis counties. To date they have raised over $200,000. 100% of the money stays in these local counties.

Imagine if more people knew about the wonderful things this organization does, the amount of money that could be raised and stay right here, helping our mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts. I urge you all to find out more about this organization and what you can do to help. Breast cancer touches everybody in some way.

For more information about the program, contact Judy Peck, 287-1000, ext 364 or write to her c/o EJ Noble Hospital, 77 W Barney St., Gouverneur, NY, 13642. Thank you. Nancy Forsyth, Ogdensburg, NY - October 2009

I want to thank you for the gift bag. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. The pillows were a great help, and I keep them on my bed. Thank you Sara. (Girl Scout who made the pillows a project and donates them to us for the care bags.) Also the money was a big help. Much appreciated. - April 2009

Enclosed are two bills regarding my daughters surgeries. We are so very grateful that my daughter is doing so well healthwise now. However, her husband has been laid off at his job since January. His insurance just ran out as of March 31. We plan to attend the cancer walk this year. Thank you for your generous support. Your organization has been a God send. - May 2008

Dear Judy, Marilyn and the Breast Cancer fund committee.


Words can't even begin to tell you how very grateful we are with your very generous gift of money to help us pay our bills. What a wonderful program this has become, not only because of the help you have given us, but for the other women who have had breast cancer. We are on a mission to eventually raise enough to pay back what you have given, plus more by "walking for the cure." My 1 year cancer free anniversary is the same week as the walk. I am feeling strong, and very thankful that everything was caught early. I am always available to help anyone else who is starting the journey. God Bless you all for this hard work and care that you show. - July 2007


What a wonderful surprise for me when a knock came at the door and I opened to find a smiling Mona Allen with a basket of "care goodies" in her hands from the generous GBW Breast Cancer Fund. I am still humbled by the gesture. I want to send you all a heartfelt thank you. So far, I am one of the lucky ones. This is my 2nd breast surgery, and both times I have beat the odds and received good news. Support from friends, family and community have meant so much to me. Without a doubt, it is a process that can be very stressful, even for the most courageous.


The North Country community is fortunate to have excellent women's health care providers. My care was very personalized at the Canton-Potsdam Hospital and they were extremely considerate of my extended family. This was very different from my experience in metropolitan Connecticut. As a former Health Educator, a woman with a Master's in Business Administration and a Gouverneur native, I have special appreciation for the focus that the Gouverneur Business Women Breast Cancer Fund give to women's health here in the Greater Gouverneur area. I want to thank you again for thinking of me. - August 2007

Thank you so much for the generous gift of money given to me during this difficult time while I travel down this road of breast cancer. I am in round one of chemo and fo feel the side effects. Please keep up the cause and do inform me of the when the walk is next year. - October 2006

Enclosed is a check for the Breast Cancer Fund. It is from the Waterloo High School Student Council. They collected a dollar from the teachers who wore jeans on Fridays and the teacher in charge of the student council knows both of my girls. She asked the council to donate the money to the GBW Breast Cancer Fund in my name. They approved it and here is the check. I was shocked and thrilled. I have only met this teach once. I have sent a Thank You note to them, but it doesn't express the appreciation I feel. This is a wonderful teacher and a great group of kids. Please see the check gets to the right person. Thank you for your help and support. I will see you at the walk in May.

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